Auto Accident Injuries
If you have been involved in a car accident whiplash injuries need to be taken very seriously. Because symptoms of a whiplash injury can take weeks or even months to manifest, it is easy to be fooled into thinking that you are not as seriously injured as you really are. Symptoms from a car accident and whiplash can include anything from radiating pain into the shoulder, elbow pain, wrist pain or hand pain, lower back pain, headaches, jaw pain and more.
Signs and symptoms of a severe whiplash that need to be addressed immediately by your Chiropractor
• Constant headaches
• Muscle spasms in your neck or shoulders
• Difficulty focusing
• Pins & Needles Sensation in neck or shoulders
• Decreased range in motion or pain when moving the head
• Tightness in the neck and shoulders
• Muscles feel hard or knotted
• Neck pain and tenderness
• Tingling in arms and shoulders or down into the hands
• Ringing of the ears
• Dizziness even when sitting
• Weakness of arms
• Memory loss or disorientation
• Depression or anxiety
You can suffer from all of these symptoms at one time or just a few of them. Either way, it is recommended to seek professional Chiropractic care immediately if you suffer from any of them. Don’t wait!
We Can Help
Whether it was a little incident in the parking lot, or two cars attempting to occupy the same space in an intersection, you need people who know how to work with lawyers and insurance companies. We’ve been through this many times. If you’re current health situation is the result of an automobile accident within the last 2 years, your car insurance may likely pay for your care. Part of your first visit procedure will be to determine the specifics of your policy.
Frequently Asked Questions
How much would it cost?
No out of pocket expense! Our policy is to await payment from the responsible insurance company.
Our goal is for each patient to pay absolutely nothing! We want to eliminate the financial barrier so the injured patient can focus on getting well instead of worrying about how they are going to pay for treatment. The cost of treatment is paid by insurance.
The other driver didn’t have any insurance. How will my bills be paid?
In that case, the uninsured motorist insurance on the vehicle you occupied would ultimately be responsible for your medical bills. If there is Med-Pay coverage on your vehicle, it would help pay for treatment as well.
If I use my own auto med-pay coverage to pay for care, will my premiums go up?
No. If you were not at fault your insurance company cannot, by law, raise your premiums.
Do I have to be referred?
No. If you would like to see if we can help, give us a call and we will set up an appointment time for you.
What is one of the biggest mistakes that injury victims make?
Delayed treatment is a common mistake that injury victims make. Often times, it takes days or weeks for pain to appear after an accident. Only a chiropractor can tell if a chiropractor can help you. While pain pills and muscle relaxers may provide some relief, they only mask your pain.
What is a soft tissue injury?
Soft tissue injuries are commonly seen in auto accidents. While they do not involve any broken bones, they do create a micro tearing of the muscles. This serious injury is commonly known as “whiplash” and immediate treatment is needed.
How do you get a soft tissue injury?
A strain/sprain soft tissue injury is caused when the affected body part, such as the cervical spine (neck) for example, is so forcefully and suddenly moved and over stretched. This causes a micro tearing of the muscles or ligaments and the tear is usually a partial incomplete tear. You may not fully realize the significance of your injury, and this is why it is so important to seek immediate, professional treatment.
The emergency room said that I was OK. But when the pain pills ran out, the pain came back. What should I do?
“No broken bones” does not mean “no injury”. Pain pills and muscle relaxers only cover the symptoms and do not fix the problem.
At the scene of the accident, I told the police officer that I was OK, but the next morning I was in pain. What should I do?
Many people are injured in accidents, but are unaware of their injuries for hours, even days.
What will happen if I don’t have any treatment?
It can lead to chronic back and neck pain, headaches, dizziness, etc., that develop into premature spinal arthritis. We have seen too many injury victims settle their claim without being checked out by a professional chiropractic physician who deals with auto accident injuries.
Call Happy Spine Chiropractic for a Free Auto Accident Consultation at (417) 799-8925 or schedule an appointment ONLINE today!
Get in Touch
Happy Spine Chiropractic
2740 N Mayfair Ave
Springfield, MO 65803
TEL: (417) 799-8925
FAX: (417) 815-9723
We prefer that you always book your appointment ONLINE!
We are located in the basement of the Millennium Building next to the Doctor's Office (Trinity Healthcare)